Underlying what we do, is how we think.  These beliefs and understandings are what guides our work, fuels our passion and serves as our North Star.

We Think Mindful Leaders Redefine Leadership

Mindful leaders understand that their success is not a function of the force they can wield over others, but how they inspire and guide others to consistently show up at their best. The power of leadership is not based on our authority, but actually sourced from the courage to be vulnerable, centered and present. The task of leadership is not that of an engineer who can meticulously plan how all the pieces fit together and redesign the ones that don’t, but that of a gardener who plants the seeds of trust, respect and optimism deep into the organization’s culture and allows for the fruits to ripen naturally. From this perspective, we help executives systematically unleash their inner power.

We Think Conscious Choice is the Choice of Great Leaders

Neuroscientists have made great breakthroughs in understanding the neuroplasticity of the brain. By consciously choosing our responses, we create new neural pathways which become sufficiently ingrained to be our new default response. This is critical as the factory setting for the human mind is biased towards survival (thankfully) and thus has a more primitive fight-or-flight response to stress or threat. Ironically, in times of modern stress, we actually want to access the higher part of the brain, the most evolved part, the prefrontal cortex, commonly referred to as the “executive function” of the brain. Through mindfulness and other proven techniques, executives can learn to more easily access the best part of their brain regularly, but especially during times of stress. These techniques have been scientifically shown to improve decision-making and to provide greater clarity, self-awareness, resiliency and creativity.

We Think the Purpose of Our Career Is to Nourish Our Soul

We are blessed to be living at a time when one can promote business services that nourish the soul of the executive. Success is no longer defined by the paycheck or executive privileges. When our values are being violated or we are disconnected from our passions, happiness is rather elusive. Without being conscious of our values and passions, we are likely to climb the proverbial ladder, only to find it was against the wrong wall. In addition, the human species is a social species. Without connecting to others through empathy and innate compassion to reduce the stress and suffering of others, we cannot feel truly fulfilled. As we train the mind, so too we can open the heart towards self-acceptance, inclusion, authenticity and fairness.

We Think We Must Manage Our Limited Resource - Energy

Based on the groundbreaking work of Dr. Bruce Schneider, Energy Leadership aids executives to develop awareness of where their energy level is functioning at any given moment, so they can navigate up from fear to flow. Through mindfulness and improved self-awareness, we can check-in with our bodies and emotional states. Once we identify our energy level, we can then consciously choose how to respond by first shifting our energies to a higher level, rather than being driven by the limited options at the lower states.

We Think Powerful and Sustainable Leadership Is Integrated Leadership.

A fully integrated leader has the unbiased clarity to mindfully respond to challenges and potentials, the authentic confidence to wisely guide and motivate self and others, and the embodied flow to sustain peak performance with creative vision and ease. Further, an integrated leader greatly benefits from having a personal and professional life that blends easily with balance and joy.

We Think That If You Like How We Think, You Should Consider Thinking With Us.